We will be teaching Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education in line with statutory guidance.
At East-the-Water Primary School, we understand that high quality Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) helps create a safe environment where children can discuss and explore sensitive topics. We strive to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to form positive friendships and relationships – including online – and focus on the importance of seeking support from appropriate sources if needed.
Our RSE curriculum ensures that our pupils widen their social, moral, spiritual and cultural development therefore appreciating the diverse world in which we live. As pupils progress, they will develop a solid understanding of identity, empathy and respect, both for themselves and others.
The RSE curriculum at East-the-Water school is mapped out from EYFS to Year 6 in order to ensure progression. This covers all statutory requirements and is delivered through weekly or bi-weekly class assemblies alongside being discussed during the day-to-day running of the school. Furthermore, we have access to additional support from external providers (Lemon Jelly) to cover Sex Education curriculum.
This year, we are placing a greater emphasis on kindness and positivity, with every year group spending half a term focusing on this alone. Before moving on, children will have embedded knowledge and understand the impact their decisions and choices have on others in local and global communities. We will provide our pupils with content that follows similar themes, yet progresses appropriately and offers opportunities for safe discussions and debates to occur.
One of the major areas we tackle across the school is Online Safety. Pupils are taught the rules and discuss strategies in which they can stay safe online. In particular, we focus on ensuring that the pupils can recognise risks and potential dangers regarding online friendships and relationships.
We regularly track and assess the deliverance of the RSE curriculum through learning walks and pupil discussions and ensure that pupils have access to the support they need to understand the complexities of relationships and sexual matters.
We believe that our children will be able to:
- Keep themselves safe and healthy.
- Maintain happy and positive relationships in both family and friendship groups.
- Respect opinions and beliefs of others.
- Have a deeper understanding about empathy and compassion.
- Value and respect diversity in their community and the wider world.
- Recognise their own and others feelings in regards to mental wellbeing.
- Be able to navigate their way through online friendships and relationships respectfully.
- Confidently discuss their body and its development, using the correct terminology.